Sunday, 15 June 2014


Let's be fair, getting tan ready is boring. Fake tanning is boring. But hell, if I don't just love being that little bit tanned - I'm not talking bronzed goddess business here, but I definitely enjoy the fact that a tan does well to even out my skin tone. Plus, I'm all about that slimming illusion. But after months of hiding under layer upon layer upon layer, my skin is rough. To look at, to feel. All round rough. And unfortunately, no fake tan of any cost is going to avoid looking like a muddy mess without a little handiwork beforehand.

Roll up, our trusted exfoliator and moisturising combo.

When I first really started taking an interest in skin and bodycare products, I went against everything my (empty) bank account suggested would be sensible and became an instant product/brand snob. NO MORE. I certainly still have some higher end favourites, but I'm all about the own brand products too - there's some amazing products out there for next to no money. The vitamin E range is perfect for me and my tragically dry skin, and doesn't break the bank. We're on to a winner..

Superdrug Vitamin E All Over Body Cream is.. well. Explains itself really, doesn't it? A light and easily absorbed but intensely moisturising cream, ideal for slappin' on daily post shower. In addition to the vitamin E and a multi vitamin complex, one of the main components of this products is coconut oil - aka my most favouritest multi purpose wonder product of all time. This cream also has a gorgeous (but not overpowering) scent, and I love the fact that it comes in a tub - it'll make the dregs a lot easier to fish out when I get to the end, and save on wastage. I've been really enjoying using this product, which is unusual - I tend to find body moisturisers very underwhelming and, on a whole, a bit of a chore. They also seem to end up running out very quickly as well, which gets pricey in the long run! However, this little tub of wonder retails at only £2.99 for 475mL, which is nothing short of a bargain in my eyes. As a bonus, the whole vitamin E range is currently buy one get the second half price. NO EXCUSES GUYS.

Daily moisturising is great, but sometimes those rough patches need a little extra assistance to get them budging. Roll up the body scrub brigade! I tend to use scrubs pretty sporadically because as much as I love the feeling of them, they're a bit of a faff and tend to make a spectacular mess of the shower (soz mum).

The Vitamin E Body Scrub has a few advantages for me - firstly, it comes in a tube(!!!!!!!!). I don't understand why anyone thought putting body scrubs in a tub was sensible? Maybe my shower is just pathetic, but the tubs never fit on the shelf, and then it's a bit of a balancing act.. the lid goes flying, the tub follows suit, and it lands on your foot. BAM, broken toe. Not something I've actually experienced (yet), but there's been far too many near misses. Secondly, it's quite densely packed with the actual 'scrubbing' component - ground apricot kernels. It feels suitably rough and refreshing on the skin, but not painful - plus, it seems to wash off the walls of the shower pretty easily. Win win. The body scrub also retails at £2.99, and with the current offer you can pick this pair up for a bank breaking total of £4.50!

So don't feel inclined to rush in to tanning without a little prep before hand - just a couple of products (at a very small expense) is all it takes to get this smoothed over and in perfect condition, ready for that oh-so-desirable streak free tan (sans muddy looking knees). If you still struggle with very resilient dry knees and elbows, popping a bit of body cream on the area just before tanning will help to minimise the absorption in those areas, avoiding those tell tale patches. So in no time at all, you too could be looking like Tan Stewie.

But for the love of god, please - fake it, don't bake it! 

1 comment:

  1. love this!xo
