Thursday, 17 April 2014


The bank holiday is upon us! LONG WEEKEND GET AT ME. To celebrate this most glorious of occasions I'm pootling on down to London town to plague a few good friends with my presence. I'm very much a 'be prepared' and 'better safe than sorry' type, so packing light doesn't come easily. I like to have all bases and eventualities covered. So for that reason, god bless tiny travel sized things. Sure, they're actually a complete rip off when you can get the full sized thing for an extra 50p, but don't tell me they're not handy as hell.

Saying this, I've actually been quite restrained this time round. I only purchased 3 adorable tiny travel things this time round since they were on a 3 for 2 offer in Boots. To the left is the Charles Worthington 'Volume and Bounce' texturising spray MOUSSE. Lulz, turns out I bought the mousse thinking it was the texturising spray (my current one true love). No huge loss thanks to the 3for2 offer (I LOVE YOU BOOTS), so I gave it a try anyway. Definite boost in the volume front, but sadly the effects were short lived. Can't say I'll be rushing out to pick up the full size.  Next up is the Dove compressed deodorants which I LOVE - very travel friendly, but way more cost effective than the actual travel minis. And of course, tiny dry shampoo. Where would I be without you, dry shampoo? A greasy, disgusting place. The next few items are slightly less thrilling, but vital nonetheless. BABY WIPES! Not just for babies. Always there for a quick freshen up, a wipe of the hands, a quick clean of a dubious toilet seat.. the baby wipe never fails. Next, grips and elastics by the bucket loads. I think I have a perpetual fear of running out of these things, plus we all know that there exists some sort of bermuda triangle exclusively for hair grips, so no harm in keeping stocked up. These Goody grips are half the size of a regular grip, and are super duper useful for discretely keeping those stray chunks of hair tucked away. Finally, the Avene Hydrance Optimale - not a travel size, just a suitable small moisturiser from my skincare arsenal. I need to go on a moisturiser no-buy like nobody's business.

Ok, I'm sure everyone knows you can get travel bottles to dispense your shampoops and conditoner and all that good jazz in to, but did you know you can get SQUEEZY ONES?! I didn't until fairly recently. Far easier than trying to get those cheap pump mechanisms to bring up a pathetic splattering of your chosen gloop. These little 60mL wonders came from Superdrug for a grand £1.59, and they are SO WORTH IT.

Finally, an atomiser. I got this one as a gift many moons ago when I didn't actually wear a lot of perfume, so it sat neglected in the back of a drawer for some time. These days I feel naked if I forget a spritz of something before I leave the house, so this little has proven itself pretty useful. No pouring required, you simply spray in from your regular perfume bottle and be done with it. The origins of this particular one remain unknown to me, but similar products are readily available on Amazon. A nice alternative to this is rollerball perfumes. Rollerballs aren't always available for a given fragrance, but I personally love almost anything from Marc Jacobs, who currently have this adorable trio available. You'll sometimes find them in gift sets with a full size fragrance as well - nice little treat fo yoself, perhaps?

Anyway, gurl better get packing. Tiny travel things are cute and all, but no substitute for clean undies. BYE Y'ALL.

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